Support is monitored from Monday to Saturday in office hours from the GMT timezone. Our response time can be up to 2 business days.

Notice: We do not accept any customization. Please Read Envato Support Policy. But we still can help with little snippets if that's possible!


Fix Conlict With WPS Hide Login

Please use this snippet:

function yzc_change_lost_password_link( $action, $form ) {
    if ( $form == 'lost_password' && !isset($_GET['action'])) {
        $action = '';
    return $action;
add_filter( 'youzify_membership_form_action', 'yzc_change_lost_password_link', 100, 2 );


- Change "" with yourwebsiteurl

- Change "yourcustomlogin" with custom slug that you set on your WPS Hide Login.

To find where you should add the snippet, please refer to this article:

How to Add Custom PHP Snippet?