Support is monitored from Monday to Saturday in office hours from the GMT timezone. Our response time can be up to 2 business days.

Notice: We do not accept any customization. Please Read Envato Support Policy. But we still can help with little snippets if that's possible!


Youzify - Change Log

# Version 3.5.5 26 July, 2024
    - Fix redirect after login and login does not compatible with BuddyPress 14
# Version 3.5.4 25 July, 2024
    - Fix Google Social Login bug
# Version 3.5.3 18 July, 2024
    - Fix patches bug
# Version 3.5.2 16 July, 2024
    - Compatible with BuddyPress 14
    - Increased security for many functions
    - Fixed Reviews Tab and some Widgets
# Version 3.5.1 10 July, 2024
     - Fix: Privacy option can not be saved
# Version 3.5.0 25 May, 2024
     New feature - New Profile Header Statistics: 
     - Activity Posts Count
     - Activity Comments Count
     - BBpress Forum Posts Count
     - BBpress Forum Comments Count
     - WooCommerce Products Count
     Fix: Social Login Cache
# Version 3.4.9 3 March, 2024
     New feature - LMS Integration (Support Tutor LMS, LifterLMS, LearnDash, LearnPress)
     Fix some PHP bugs
# Version 3.4.8 16 January, 2024
     Fix - Woocommerce Integration Bugs
     Fix - Error on Login Page
     Order Tab Feature for Create New Post Tab (Require Front-end Submission add-on)
# Version 3.4.7 10 January, 2024
     Fix - Direct Upload cover and avatar bug
# Version 3.4.6 6 January, 2024
     Fix - Fix some styling issues
# Version 3.4.5 31 December, 2023
     Fix - Profile Tab URL issue
     Fix - Conflict with BP Follow
     Fix - Widget Media System
# Version 3.4.4 27 December, 2023
     Make all Youzify add-ons works with BP 12
# Version 3.4.3 20 December, 2023
     Fix - Profile default tab option
     Fix - Gamipress integration error
     Fix - Some errors because incompatibility with BuddyPress 12
# Version 3.4.1 18 December, 2023
     Fix - login page error
     Fix - hidden profile tabs
# Version 3.4.0 15 December, 2023
     Compatible with BuddyPress 12
# Version 3.3.9 11 September, 2023
     New Feature - Tutor LMS Integration
     Fix Few Bugs and Incompatibilities with PHP 8.1
# Version 3.3.8 1 August, 2023
     Fix - Wall Settings Page Error for some type of server
     Fix - White Screen Issue on Account Settings Page for some type of server
# Version 3.3.7 29 July, 2023
     Fix - Handling Long usernames in the account settings header
# Version 3.3.6 28 July, 2023
     Reduce file size
     New Feature - Email Registration restriction Feature
     New Feature - Profile Picture and Image Cover Direct Upload from Profile Page
# Version 3.3.5 21 June, 2023
     Fix - Some incompatibility issues with PHP 8.X
     New Feature - Dark Theme
     New Feature - reCAPTCHA v3 Integration
# Version 3.3.4 21 May, 2023
     Fix - Some incompatibility issues with PHP 8.X
     New Feature - Location Tag / Check in Post
# Version 3.3.3 November 22, 2022
     Fix -  Fixed Comments Count
     Fix -  Fixed Comments Tab
     Fix -  GamiPress badges list is not fully shown
# Version 3.3.2 September, 2022
    Fix -  Fixed some bugs and incompatibility with PHP 8.X
# Version 3.3.1 July 19, 2022
    Improvement - Security Improvments 
    Fix -  Fixed Bugs
# Version 3.3.0 January 05, 2022
    Fix - Media Widget Assign Menu Bug (Related with Advance Albums add-0n)
# Version 3.2.9 January 02, 2021
    Fix - Share feature not working if groups disabled
# Version 3.2.8 December 15, 2021
    Fix - Membership shortcodes for not logged-in users.
    Fix - Profile groups missing styling.
    Fix - show more button activity shows duplicated attachments
# Version 3.2.7 November 29, 2021
    Fix - Membership shortcodes for not logged-in users.
    Fix - Profile groups missing styling.
    Fix - Share in some groups not working.
# Version 3.2.6 October 23, 2021
    Fix - Registration Shortcode.
    Fix - GamiPress Balance Total.
    Fix - Members Directory Meta Styling.
# Version 3.2.5 October 05, 2021
    Fix - GamiPress & MyCred Conflict.
# Version 3.2.4 October 04, 2021
    New - GamiPress Integration.
    New - GamiPress User Badges Widgets.
    New - GamiPress User Balance Widget.
    New - GamiPress User Badges Tabs.
    Fix - Live Notifications.
# Version 3.2.3 September 21, 2021
    Fix - Profile Quote Widget Breaks.
    Fix - Profile Media Tabs Slugs.
    Fix - Hide Duplicated BBpress Activity Filters.
# Version 3.2.2 September 18, 2021
    Fix - Registration by invitation when registration is disabled.
# Version 3.2.1 September 13, 2021
    Fix - Show Polls Resuts for non logged-in Users
    Fix - Hide Vote Button for non logged-in users
# Version 3.2.0 September 11, 2021
    [New] Advanced Polls System.
    [New] Activity Poll Post Type.
    [New] Allow users to select multiple vote options.
    [New] Enbale / Disable Polls Images.
    [New] Force Polls Images Upload.
    [New] Limit Poll Options.
    [New] Set Default Poll Options Mode ( Single / Multiple ).
    [New] Enable / Disable Voting Results Visibility.
    [New] Enable / Disable Poll Voters.
    [New] Enbale / Disable Polls Revoting.
    [New] Set Maximum Voters Number to Show
    [New] Set Default PolL Post View ( Form or Results )
    [New] Compatible with Youzify Fron-end Submission add-on
    [New] Poll Form Settings - Poll Options from Youzify Panel > General Settings > Wall Setting > Polls Form Settings.
    [New] Poll Post Settings - Poll Options from Youzify Panel > General Settings > Wall    Setting > Polls Post Settings.
    [Fix] Pinned Posts Shows up for all users.
    [Fix] Account Settings Bug.
# Version 3.1.9 August 10, 2021
    Fix - Directory Search bug
    Fix - Header background color bug
    Remove youzify_media from Posts Category
    Old directory hear layout option. Please check this article >>
# Version 3.1.8 August 5, 2021
    Compatible with New Addon: BuddyPress Advanced Members Search ( Link: )
    New - Members Directory Design.
    New - Groups Directory Design.
    New - Activity Stream 3 Columns Layout.
    New - Activity with Left Sidebar Layout
    New Option - Change Activity Layout from Youzify Panel > General Settings > Wall Settings.
    New Option - Set Members Direcoty Header Options from Youzify Panel > General Settings > Members Directory Settings.
    New Option - Set Groups Direcoty Header Options from Youzify Panel > General Settings > Members Directory Settings.
    Fix - Live Notification Notice.
    Fix - Instagram Widget Videos.
    Fix - Media Lightbox.
# Version 3.1.6 July 1, 2021
    Compatible with New Addon: BuddyPress Amazon S3 (
    Fix - Some widgets bugs
# Version 3.1.5 June 21, 2021
    Fix - Bugs on activity stream
# Version 3.1.4 June 20, 2021
    Added - BuddyPress 8.0 Compatibility.
    Added - Invitations Support.
    Improved - Inputs Security.
    Improved - New Youzify Hooks
    Fix - Registration Visibility Field.
# Version 3.1.3 June 01, 2021
    Fix - Hashtag System
    Change some structure codes to make Youzify fully compatible with BuddyPress Amazon S3 add-on
# Version 3.1.2 May 05, 2021
    Fix - Messages CSS
# Version 3.1.1 May 02, 2021
    Improved - Social Login System.
    Improved - Activity Upload System.
    Added - TikTok Social Media Icon.
    Fix - Pinned Posts.
    Fix - WooCommerce Select Box Conflict.
# Version 3.1.0 April 05, 2021
    Improved - Registration Shortcode.
    Fix - Registration Widget.
    Fix - Tagging Friends Notification Count.
# Version 3.0.9 March 23, 2021
    Fix - Some shortcodes not working properly.
    Fix - Groups Templates.
    Fix - Upgrade Patch.
    Fix - Profile Activity Filter.
# Version 3.0.8 March 10, 2021
    Fix - CSS fixes for activity stream.
    Fix - Registration template error if membership system is disabled.
# Version 3.0.7 March 03, 2021
    Fix: Activity Lightbox not working on the first click.
    Fix: Patch does not work if the membership system is disabled.
# Version 3.0.6 March 01, 2021
    Fix: Activity Form Emoji Button.
# Version 3.0.5 February 28, 2021
    Fix: Activity comment styling messed up after clicking the emoji icon.
# Version 3.0.4 February 27, 2021
    New: Added new hooks before and after Youzify init.
    Fix: We added lost password hook second parameter.
# Version 3.0.3 February 26, 2021
    Fix: Emoji Button Not working on first click.
    Fix: Custom tabs {username} tag not working.
    Fix: Groups sidebar duplicated.
# Version 3.0.2 February 25, 2021
    Fix: Activity Form Emoji Dropdown
# Version 3.0.1 February 24, 2021
    Fix: About Me upload not working.
    Fix: WooCommerce error on activation.
    Fix: Shortcodes brackets removed after saving settings.
# Version 3.0.0 February 23, 2021
    Notice 1: We changed the name of Youzer to Youzify.
    Notice 2: We added a new settings tab called Move Youzer to Youzify on General Settings that will help you move all Youzer data to Youzify), to upgrade safely please follow the steps on this topic:
    Notice 3: 90% of our addons do not require Youzify(formerly Youzer) anymore and they are compatible with Buddypress Legacy & Nouveau Theme, BuddyBoss Theme & Plugin.
    New: Added BuddyPress Member Types Support.
    New: Display BuddyPress Member Types on Members Directory.
    New: Overriding Templates Supports Now BBpress Templates.
    New: Improved Structure with Improved Performance.
    Fix: Fixed PHP/CSS/JS Bugs
# Version 2.6.2 October 10, 2020
    Fix: PHP Bugs
# Version 2.6.1 October 08, 2020
    Notice 1: - We released 2 new patches to move profile, activity, and messages media from Youzer Media System to WML. You can find the patches on Youzer Panel > General Settings > Patches Settings.
    Notice 2: If you are using "Youzer - Edit Activity Extension", "Youzer - Buddypress Moderation", Youzer - Social Share", "Youzer - Activity Reactions" make sure to update to the new versions that are compatible with this new update.
    New: Youzer now is using Wordpress Media Library.
    New: New Youzer cropping sizes for all Youzer placements to offer a huge speed optimization.
    New: Better upload folder organization by Members, Groups, User ID, Group ID, Years, and Months.
    New: New improved activity attachments structure that is much more faster than the old method.
    New: Save the uploaded files into a temporary folder and don't upload them to Wordpress Media Library till the user submit the forms.
    New: Disabling WordPress default cropping sizes for Youzer media to save space.
    New Option: Enable / Disable compressing new uploaded images from Youzer Panel > General Settings Page > General Settings Tab > Optimization Settings Section.
    New Option: Set Compression Quality Percentage from Youzer Panel > General Settings Page > General Settings Tab > Optimization Settings Section.
    New: Compressed transparent images are not now showing a black background anymore.
    Notice: We hide the Youzer media from WML for both views ( List + Grid ), but we will offer a custom page soon where you can see all the uploaded media on your site and each media with its location on the site and many other details that will help you keep everything under control!
    Improvement: PHP and JS and CSS.
    Fix: PHP bugs.
# Version 2.6.0 Septembre 05, 2020
    Fix: Upload Avatar and Cover pages not working.
# Version 2.5.9 Septembre 04, 2020
    New: Lazy Loading on all Youzer Images in Profile, Groups, Activity, MyCred Badges..., this feature will load images only when they appear in the browser viewport for a faster page load time.
    Improvement: We removed KaineLabs copyright notice from the account settings pages.
    New: Added new setting option "Lazy Load" in Youzer Panel > Genereal Settings to turn on/off this feature.
    New: Compatible with WordPress 5.5.1.
    Fix: Hidden Widgets Still Appearing on the widgets settings page.
    Fix: Reviews Pop-up overlay stay appearing after adding review.
    Fix: Activity form upload video pop-up shows only images files.
    Fix Tablet and Mobile views CSS for the new profile layout.
    Fix : CSS & JS Bugs.
# Version 2.5.8 August 27, 2020
    Improvement: Better Modals Popup UX.
    Improvement: Forcing HTTPS for Live Preview Image URL.
    Notice : if you are using "Youzer - Edit Activity Extension" or "Youzer - Buddypress Moderation" make sure to update to the new version that will support the new modals popup structure.
# Version 2.5.7 August 25, 2020
    New: New Profile Layout : Content + Left Sidebar
    New: New Profile Layout : Content + Right Sidebar
    New: 3 Columns ( Content + 2 Sidebars )
    Improvement: Better profile structure page UI and UX to make the drag and drop easier.
    Improvement: Once you click these following posts types ( Photo, Video, File, Slideshow) the upload button will be clicked automatically.
# Version 2.5.6 August 16, 2020
    New : Compatible with Wordpress 5.5
    Fix : JS Erros
# Version 2.5.5 August 15, 2020
    Fix: Js Erros
# Version 2.5.4 August 12, 2020
    New Feature: Comments GIFs.
    Re-design: New Activity GIF form Design.
    New Translation: New French translation provided by Virginie( Thank you so much Virginie )
    New : Comment Form Icons tool-tips.
# Version 2.5.3 August 02, 2020
    New Feature: Live Notifications
# Version 2.5.2 July 27, 2020
    Check this topic for a detailed change log:
    New Feature: "Share Posts" Feature.
    New: New activity statistics layout.
    Fix : Social Login.
# Version 2.5.1 July 02, 2020
    Updated : Chinese Translation Updated By DING ( His Website : ) - Thank you so much Ding ^^.
    Fix : Capitalization issues.
    Fix : groups shortcode parametres.
    Fix : Groups members pagination not working.
    Fix : Recent posts widget title not working.
    Fix : Activity form "Post In" filter opens automatically.
    Fix : Reviews tools not working.
# Version 2.5.0 June 02, 2020
    Fix : Youzer Panel Styling Not Working.
    Fix : Blog comment not appearing.
    Fix : Media Video Light Box Not Working.
# Version 2.4.9 May 19, 2020
    Fix : Instagram Registration Steps.
    Fix : Instagram Widget.
    Fix : Error After registration on Multisite.
    Fix : Embeds On Groups.
    Fix : User Tags Notification Action.
# Version 2.4.8 April 13, 2020
    Upgrade : New Social Login API & New Callback Urls for All Networks.
    Fix : Group Media Tab.
    Fix : Lost Password Page Not Working.
# Version 2.4.7 April 02, 2020
    Fix : Media Widget Privacy.
    Fix : Mycred Settings Not Working.
    Fix : [yz_xprofile_group] Shortcode.
    Fix : Shop & Badges tabs Settings Not Working.
# Version 2.4.6 March 26, 2020
    Fix : Uploading Cover HTTP Error.
# Version 2.4.5 March 24, 2020
    Fix : Custom Widget {username} variable not working.
    Change : Upload Attachments button in messages.
# Version 2.4.4 March 23, 2020
    Fix : Woocomerce Activity Posts Not Working.
    Fix : Blog Posts Appears Twice.
    Fix : Activity Filter Not Working.
# Version 2.4.3 March 22, 2020
    Fix : Media Embeds.
    Fix : Membership Widgets Disappeared.
    Fix : Follows Tab Disappeared.
    Fix : Media Privacy.
    Fix : Hashtags Shortcodes.
# Version 2.4.2 March 20, 2020
    Fix: Activate Page Blank.
    Fix: Live preview apostrophes turning into slashes.
# Version 2.4.1 March 18, 2020
    Fix : Sticky Posts on shortcodes not working.
    Fix : Header Statistics Hide Follower/Following Options.
    Fix : Youzer Panel Width and background options not working.
# Version 2.4.0 March 16, 2020
    Notice 1 : First of all install the new patch "Optimize Youzer Database".
    Notice 2 : Install the second patch "Upgrade media system database".
    Notice 3 : We released a new version of all the extensions, because we changed the whole youzer structure so all the new extensions needs to be updated in order to be compatible with the new update.
    Notice 4 : New Admin Page “Extensions Settings” it will contains all the add-ons settings pages for a better organization also you will need to enter the license key for the extensions in order to unlock settings and receive new automatic updates.
    New : Fast Youzer Version.
    New : Comments Attachments.
    New : Messages Attachments.
    Fix : Too many Bugs, Css & js Issues.
    New : Woocommerce Stripe Payment Gateway is now supported.
    Change : Activity Tab slug is back to "activity" instead of "wall".
    Improved: Images SEO : all new uploaded images will keep their real name instead of random number.
# Version 2.3.9 November 25, 2019
    Fix: Woocommrece Redirect Issues.
    Fix : Activity Page Bug.
# Version 2.3.8 November 24, 2019
    New : Compatible with BBpress 2.6.2
    Fix : Rtmedia Comments Compatibility.
    Fix : JS & CSS Bugs.
# Version 2.3.7 November 21, 2019
    Fix : Missing Activity Delete Button.
    Fix : Css Bugs.
    Update : Youzer - Edit Activities Extension Compatible with Youzer 2.3.7.
    Update : Youzer - Buddypress Moderation Extension - Adding Automatic Updates Feature.
# Version 2.3.6 November 17, 2019
    New : Overriding Templates Supports Now Child Themes.
    Fix : Css & Js Issues.
# Version 2.3.5 November 15, 2019
    New Extension : Buddypress Moderation :
    New : Compatible with Wordpress 5.3
    New : Compatible with Buddypress 5.0.0
    New : Activity Search Box.
    New : New Comments Section Design.
    New : Mobile View Design for many elements.
    New : Activity Moderation : Set community forbidden words
    New : Shortcode : Groups List [youzer_groups per_page="5"]
    New : Mycred Balance Support Decimals Now.
    New : Wall Embed Videos are now responsive.
    Improvement : Improved Performance for many functions.
    Theme Compatibility : KLEO - Pro Community Focused, Multi-Purpose BuddyPress Theme
    Theme Compatibility : Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme
    Theme Compatibility : Bimber - Viral Magazine WordPress Theme
    Fix : Project Categories & Tags Enter to not work on mobiles.
    Fix : Page width option not working.
    Fix : Activity Form - Paste Link Preview.
    Fix : Giphy Image Remains After Posting.
    Fix : Moods not working after translation.
# Version 2.3.4 September 02, 2019
    Notice : if you are using "Youzer - Edit Activity Extension" make sure to update to the new version that will support the new added features.
    New Feature : Posts Privacy.
    New Feature : Posts Mood.
    New Feature : Tag Friends on posts.
    New : Chinese Translation By June - 微谈NZ - ( Thank you so much June )
    New : Turkish Translation By Frank jackson ( Thank you so much Mr Frank ).
    New : Project description widget supports wordpress editor now.
    New : Override Youzer Templates from your theme by creating a folder named "youzer".
    New : New Activity Posts Comments Design.
    Improvement : Open Activity Posts & Comments, Messages Links in new tab.
    Improvement : Improved Performance for many functions.
     Fix : Removing "@" from the user full name on the profile settings page.
    Fix : Update Profile Posts Count on changing post author.
    Fix : Logout Link Not working when login popup option activated.
    Fix : RTmedia media tab conflict with youzer.
    Fix : Change password link in profile not working.
    Fix : Likes Notifications.
    Fix : Portfolio title do not accept apostrophes.
    Fix : Slideshow Conflicts.
# Version 2.3.3 July 11, 2019
    Fix : Profile Buttons Disappeared
# Version 2.3.2 July 10, 2019
    Notice 1 : Make Sure to run the New Media Migration process from Youzer Panel > General Settings > Patches Settings.
    Notice 2 : if you are using hashtags widgets please delete them and add them again because we fixed a hashtags counting issue.
    Notice 3 : if you are using any one of our extensions we just released a new version of all the extensions to make them compatible with the current version 2.3.2 and also we added an automatic updates feature for all of them.
    New : New Users Media System ( Photos, Videos, Audios, Files )..
    New : New Groups Media System ( Photos, Videos, Audios, Files )
    New : New Account Settings Design with Easy Access To All Pages Menus ( Profile Settings, Account Settings, Widgets Settings ).
    New : Account Settings Page - Email & Password : Change Registration Account E-mail & Password.
    New : New Profile Widget : Media Widget.
    New : New Profile Tab : Media.
    New : New Wordpress Widget : Media Widget ( Community Media, User Media, Group Media, Displayed Group Media, Logged-in User Media ) .
    New : New Shortcode : Community Media  [youzer_media].
    New : Set Email, Phone, Address Websites Fields from Youzer Panel > Widgets Settings > Info Boxes Settings.
    New : Youzer Panel > General Settings > Media Settings : Set Groups Media Settings.
    New : Youzer Panel > Widgets Settings > Media Settings : Set Profile Media Settings.
    New : Youzer Panel > Profile Settings > Media Tab Settings : Set Profile Media Tab Settings.
    Improvement : About me widget biography & video widget description fields supports wordpress editor now !
    Fix : Activity Shortcode Pagination.
    Fix : Social Login Name Issue.
    Fix : Hashtags Widgets.
    Fix : CSS & JS.
# Version 2.3.1 June 17, 2019
    Fix : Emojis Not working after adding the hashtag feature.
    Fix : Improved KLEO Theme Integration Styling.
    Fix : CSS & PHP BUG.
# Version 2.3.0 June 13, 2019
    New : New Extension : Buddypress Profile Completeness :
    New : Hashtags Support All languages.
    New : Posts Support Multiple Embeds.
    New : Youzer is now Compatible with The Kleo Theme :
    Fix : Reviews Form Action Buttons Disappeared.
    Fix : Hashtags include name not working on some hosts.
    Fix : CSS & JS Bugs.
# Version 2.2.9 June 06, 2019
    New : Hashtags Feature : Supported on Posts & Comments & Replies.
    New : widget “Community Hashtags Cloud” ( filter : popular, random ).
    New : widget “Hashtags List” ( filter : Popular, Trending Today, Trending Last Week, Trending Last Month ).
    New : Shortcode : [youzer_hashtags] => Hashtags List With Count.
    New : Shortcode : [youzer_community_hashtags] => Hashtags Cloud
    New : Improved Wall Functions.
    Fix : Duplicated Blog Posts Issue.
# Version 2.2.8 May 30, 2019
    Fix: Dismiss New Extension Notice.
# Version 2.2.7 May 30, 2019
    New : Compatible with The New Extension : Youzer- Buddypress Edit Activity :
    New : Activity Shortcode new 4 option show_filter, load_more, show_form, form_roles.
    New : Verified Users Shortcode new option "order_by" accepts : id, random ...
    New : Improved Css & Js.
    Fix : Improved English Translation By Mr Greeg.
    Fix : Login Redirect to urls.
    Fix : Profile Header Not Appearing On PHP version 7.3
# Version 2.2.6 May 18, 2019
    New : Social Login Works for existing accounts with same e-mails ( Thanks Isis For all your help ^^ ).
    New : Compatible with "MYCRED BP GROUP LEADERBOARDS" Plugin.
    New : Advanced Activity Stream Shortcode [youzer_activity] too many new options fully customizable:
    Fix : Twitch Social Login Bugs.
# Version 2.2.5 May 14, 2019
    New : Social Login Network : Twitch
    New : Members Directory Ajaxed Pagination ( No refresh required ).
    Fix : Fixing social login error.
    Fix : Login & Register Shortcode
    Fix : Profile Widgets Animation Effects
    Fix : Css & PHP Bugs.
# Version 2.2.4 May 12, 2019
    New : Giphy Integration.
    New : New wall Post Type "Gif".
    New : Compatible with Wordpress 5.2 .
    New : Compatible with Buddypress 4.3.0 .
    New : Spanish Translation By Alexey, here's his site : ( Thank you so much Mr Alexey ^^ )
    New : New Social Login Updates API Version.
    Fix : Woocommerce profile shop tab appears for all users.
    Fix : Verified Users Widget.
    Fix : Css & Js Bugs.
# Version 2.2.3 April 25, 2019
    New : Youzer is now Compatible with The Crumina Theme :
    New : All the activity friendship and groups buttons are now being served with ajax no refresh required.
    New : You can use the following tags inside the custom tab content : the tag {displayed_user} will be replaced by the displayed profile user id. and the tag {logged_in_user} will be replaced by the logged-in user id.
    New : Youzer shortcodes are now supported in Gutenberg.
    New : Compatible with Woocommerce 3.6.1
    New : Compatible with Buddypress Username Changer Plugin.
    New : Compatible with Buddypress Account Deactivator Plugin.
    New : Compatible with Buddypress Block Members Plugin.
    Fix : Improved Arabic Translation By Anass6666, here's his site : ( Thank you so much Mr Anass ^^ )
    Fix : Website Link not working.
    Fix : Info boxes privacy not working.
    Fix : Follows Page Styling.
    Fix : Woocommerce Supports Third Party Plugins Pages.
    Fix : Posts Count On Multisite.
    Fix : Instagram Deleting Accounts.
    Fix : Elementor Bug.
    Fix : Private Groups Bookmarks Not working.
    Fix : PHP & Js & Css Bugs.
# Version 2.2.2 March 29, 2019
    New : Youzer is now Compatible with The Aardvark Theme :
    New : Arabic Translation By alhrms, Here's his site : ( Thank you so much Mr alhrms ^^ )
    Fix : Profile Settings Default Tab Not saving settings.
    Fix : Profile Header Second Meta Not Working.
    Fix : PHP & Js & Css Bugs.
# Version 2.2.1 March 23, 2019
    Fix: Solving the Wordpress Backend Slowness issue.
    Ps: The slow down issue was caused by our system that keeps checking for new updates each second. and the cache was not working for hosts that were not able to access our updates xml file. so we disabled it for now till we found a better solution.
# Version 2.2.0 March 23, 2019
    New : Improved Performance & Speed.
    New : Infinite Wall Scroll.
    New : Smooth wall Posts Effect.
    New : Profile Info & Contact Info Moved into Buddypress Xprofile.
    New : Shortcode : Get Xprofile fields [yz_xprofile_fields user_id="1" fields="1,2,3..."]
    New : Shortcode : Get Xprofile Group Fields [yz_xprofile_group profile_group_id=""]
    New : You can use the following tags inside the custom widgets content : the tag {displayed_user} will be replaced by the displayed profile user id. and the tag {logged_in_user} will be replaced by the logged-in user id.
    Update : Changing the shortocde "[yz_custom_information]" with [yz_xprofile_group]
    New : Compatible with Wordpress 5.1.1
    New : Compatible with Buddypress 4.2.0
    New : Compatible with Mycred 1.8.2
    Fix : Social Login - Twitter Fix.
    Fix : PHP & Js & Css Bugs.
# Version 2.1.9 January 16, 2019
    Fix : Reset Password Not Working.
    Fix : Social Login Avatars Not Working.
    Fix : Site Crash When you enable Woocommerce integration.
    Fix : Woocommerce Integration : Shop Tab Link Not working outside of the buddypress pages.
    Fix : Woocommerce Integration : Ajax Cart and Checkout Links Not Working.
    Fix : Custom Scheme Not working.
# Version 2.1.8 January 06, 2019
    New : Compatible with Wordpress 5.0.1
    New : Compatible with Buddypress 4.1.0
    New : Woocommerce Integration.
    New : Activity Live Posting Without Refresh.
    New : Shortcode : Members List [youzer_members per_page="5"]
    New : Shortcode : User Basic Information [yz_basic_information user_id="1"]
    New : Making the upload folder customizable.
    New : Custom Hooks.
    New : Improved Account Settings Structure.
    New : Custom Hook to Disable Profile Slideshow Auto Loop.
    Fix : Private Posts Showing in follows tab.
    Fix : Ajax Login Redirects Admins to Login Form Again ( Yaay Finally !! )
    Fix : Activity Mentions Not Working. ( Yaay Finally !! )
    Fix : Improving Speed & Performance.
    Fix : Changing the function "getimagesize" to an alternative solution.
    Fix : Default Profile Tab Not Working Properly.
    Fix : Multisite Social Login.
    Fix : Google Plus Social Login.
    Fix : Wall Link Post - HTTPS.
    Fix : Missing Icons.
    Fix : 404 Profile Page.
    Fix : New Post User Default Pattern Cover Flow.
    Fix : RTmedia Lightbox.
    Fix : Custom Styling.
    Fix : Css Issues.
# Version 2.1.7 October 11, 2018
    New : French Translation By Johann Le Niniven ( Thank you so much Johann ^^ )
    New : Persian Translation By Lily Aman ( Thank you so much lily ^^ )
    Fix : Info Tab Widgets Edit Url.
    Fix : Disable User Reviews/Ratings System By Default.
    Fix : Css issues.
# Version 2.1.6 October 08, 2018
    New : User Reviews/Ratings System.
    New : Shortcode : Activity Stream [youzer_activity sidebar="false/true"]
    New : Shortcode : Users Reviews List [youzer_user_reviews limit="5"]
    New : Shortcode : Verified Users List [youzer_verified_users limit="5"]
    New : New Statistics Options ( Posts, Comments, Views, Followers, Following, Points )
    New : Fontawesome 5 integration With Over Than 1300 Icons.
    New : Adding Quick Edit Button to The Profile Widgets Head.
    New : New Profile Widget : User Reviews.
    New : New Wordpress Widget : Verified Users.
    New : New Members Directory Statistics Options ( Followers, Following, Points )
    New : Serve Friendship Requests and Follows Requests Through Ajax.
    Fix : CSS/JS Issues.
    Fix : PHP Bugs.
# Version 2.1.5 August 31, 2018
    Fix : Profile Subn navigation icons not working !
    Fix : Open Privacy and Terms links in a new tabs.
    Fix : Make Slideshow Image appear on one image only also.
    Fix : Adding rel="nofollow noopener" to links.
    Fix : Making Captcha Language Customizable.
# Version 2.1.4 August 31, 2018
    New : RTL Support.
    Fix : Fixing offline status in widgets.
    Fix : Activity slideshow not working.
    Fix : Bookmarks function not working !
    Fix : Settings Current Page xprofile fields color not working.
    New : Styling the BP Followers Widget.
# Version 2.1.3 August 18, 2018
    New : Post Widget - Allow Users To Remove The Post After Choosing It.
    New : Quotes Accept Now Line Breaks.
    New : Add the Filter To Disable Instagram and Flickr Cache.
    New : Project Widget - Making The URL Clickable.
    New : New Filters For Developpers.
    Fix : Saving Widgets Settings For New Users.
    Fix : Following Feature Not Working Correctly On Youzer 2.1.2.
    Fix : General Styling Options not working.
    Fix : URL Preview Not Working.
    Fix : Wall Upload Image Preview Not working .
    Fix : Emojis Filter Tabs Not Working.
    Fix : ScrollBar On Groups.
    Fix : Groups Content Hidden.
    Fix : Following & Activity Tabs Icons Are Not Working on The Colorful Tabs Icons Option.
    Fix : Members Directory - Country, City Custom Meta showing 404 error.
    Fix : Css Bugs.
# Version 2.1.2 August 07, 2018
    Fix : Following Feature Not Working On Youzer 2.1.1
    Fix : Settings Current Page Title Color.
    Fix : Favorite Tab icon not appearing for the colorful option.
    Fix : Custom Styling Options Not working.
    Fix : Improved Styling Function to Reduce Database Calls For Inactive Styles.
# Version 2.1.1 August 03, 2018
    New : Activity Reactions ( Paid Extension ).
    Fix : Fixing getimagesize() function.
    Fix : Services Widget Not working.
    Fix : Removing Invalid Facebook Scopes.
    Fix : Fixing Redirecting Issue.
    Fix : Fixing Groups Members Count Format for Big Numbers.
# Version 2.1.0 July 28, 2018
    New Feature : Bookmark/Save Activities ( Ajaxed ).
    New Feature : User Export Personal Data, Profile Widgets Data. ( Under Account Settings Page )
    New : Set Bookmarked/Saved Activities Tab Privacy.
    New : Compatible with Buddypress Followers Plugin ( URL: ).
        * Following / Followers tabs to user profile pages
        * Follow / Unfollow buttons on user profile pages and in the members directory
        * A new "Following" activity directory tab
        * An "Activity > Following" subnav tab to a user's profile page
        * Menu items to the WP Toolbar
    New : Images Compression System.
    New : Improved Performance by Using Caching System.
    New : New Custom Styling System to Reduce Database Requests.
    New : Improved User Accounts Front-end Pages to Support third-party plugins pages!
    New : Extending The Profile Activity to Handle More Tabs.
    New : Add Members Directory Loading Icon On Ajax Calls.
    Fix : Translation Not Working !
    Fix : Hiding User Tools Out Side Of Members Directory.
    Fix : Social Networks Not Saving !
    Fix : Ads not saving !
    Fix : Social Login Database Not Being Created.
    Fix : Memberships Pages Not Working !
    Fix : Js & PHP & Css Bugs.
# Version July 09, 2018
    New : New Shortcode [yz_custom_information] to display the user custum fields data.
    Fix : Fixing the checking for buddypress existence function !
# Version 2.0.9 July 08, 2018
    # New : Member Types ( Paid Extension ).
    # New : Social Share ( Paid Extension ).
    # New : MyCRED Integration ( Paid Extension ).
    # New : New Update Notifier.
    # New : New Admin Youzer Extensions Page.
    # Fix : Fixing Css Bugs.
    # Fix : Fixing PHP Bugs.
# Version 2.0.8 June 23, 2018
    # Fix : Multisite Posts Tab.
    # Fix : Group Description Html Tags.
    # Fix : Open Graph Description Issue.
    # Fix : Sync Social Media Profile avatar.
    # Fix : Activity User Default Cover Post.
    # Fix : Multisite Activity Post Thumbnail
    # Fix : Installing Youzer Without Buddypress Error.
    # Fix : Members & Groups Directory Search Form Disappear On Mobile View.
# Version 2.0.7 June 10, 2018
    # New : BBpress Integration
    # New : MyCRED Integration ( Balance, Badges, Levels )
    # New : Open Graph Support ( Profiles / Groups )
    # New : User MyCRED Balance Widget
    # New : Group Admins Widget
    # New : Group Moderators Widget
    # New : Reset Password Widget
    # New : Reset Password Shortcode [youzer_lost_password]
    # New : Compatible with  3.1.0
    # Fix : Forcing Buddypress Legacy Theme
    # Fix : Social Login
    # Fix : Instagram Widget
    # Fix : Groups - Members Pagination
    # Fix : Live Url Preview
    # Fix : Changing 'infos' to 'info'
    # Fix : Fixing Attachments size float numbers issue.
    # Fix : Duplicated Preview Urls.
# Version 2.0.6 April 02, 2018
    # New : Sticky Posts System ( Activity / Groups )
    # New : Adding User Status to The Profile Header ( Online / Offline )
    # New : Mailster Newsletter Integration ( Sync With Registration form )
    # New : Limit Navbar Menus and display the rest under "More" drop down menu !
    # New : Wall Live Url Preview before posting
    # New : Adding Activity Custom Posts types Support
    # New : Unlimited Header Custom Meta
    # New : Unlimited User Cards Meta
    # New : Unlimited User Tags Widget
    # New : Adding Biography field the "infos tab"
    # New : Wordpress Navigation Shortcode to display account avatar [youzer_account_avatar]
    # New : Adding to many actions and filters for further customization purpose
    # Fixed Bug : Fixing Instagram API.
    # Fixed Bug : Safari - Account Page Buttons Not working.
# Version 2.0.5 February 21, 2018
    # New : Mailchimp Newsletter Integration ( Sync With Registration form ).
    # New : New Shortcode "[youzer_login]" for login form.
    # New : New Shortcode "[youzer_register]" for registration form.
    # New : New Widget "Youzer Registration Form".
    # New : New Widget "Group Description".
    # New : Set Custom Members Directory Cards Meta Field.
    # New : Social Login Redirect Sync with Normal Login.
    # New : Making Header "Website" Link Clickable.
    # New : Making "Website Box Info" Link Clickable.
    # Update : Defined Scripts & Styles Version to Avoid Caching Issues On Updates.
    # Fixed Bug : Fix Account Settings Builders issue on Mirosoft Edge Browser & Safari.
    # Fixed Bug : Members Directory Search on Android.
    # Fixed Bug : Login & Reset Password Pages Not being Saved in Youzer Panel.
# Version 2.0.4 January 29, 2018
    # New : Ajax Login.
    # New : Login Popup Form ( Ajax / Normal Data Submition ).
    # New : Set Default Profiles Cover.
    # New : Set Default Profiles Avatar.
    # New : Set Default Groups Cover.
    # New : Set Default Groups Avatar.
    # New : Custom Registration Page Url.
    # New : Linking Authors Widgets With Profiles.
    # New : Enable/Disable Account Scroll To top button.
    # New : Admin Panel - Fixed "Save Setings" Button.
    # New : Compatible With Buddypress 2.9.3
    # Update : Removing unnecessary files and scripts and styles.
    # Update : Merging Youzer & Logy Panels.
    # Fixed Bug : Ajaxed Posts & Comments Paginations Links.
# Version 2.0.3 January 11, 2018
    # New : Verified Accounts Badges System.
    # New : Real Time Accounts Verification ( No Refresh Required ).
    # New : Unlimited Verified Badges Color.
    # New : Mark User Accounts Verified/Unverified from Profile, Members Directory, Widgets ...
    # New : Russian Translation By Aslan Patov ( Thank you so much Aslan ^^ )
    # New : Enable/Disable Posts Likes.
    # New : Enable/Disable Posts Deletion.
    # New : Enable/Disable Posts Comments.
    # New : Enable/Disable Posts Comments Replies.
    # New : Profile Services Widget : Vertical / Horizontal Layouts.
    # New : Wall Attachments - Set Allowed Maximum File Size.
    # New : Wall Attachments - Set Allowed Image Extentions.
    # New : Wall Attachments - Set Allowed Video Extentions.
    # New : Wall Attachments - Set Allowed Audio Extentions.
    # New : Wall Attachments - Set Allowed File Extentions.
    # New : Set Slideshow's Slides Height Type Fixed / Auto.
    # New : Adding Plugin "Setting" & "About" Pages url in plugins page.
    # New : Improving Many Functions Performance.
    # New : Enable/Disable Activity Page Filter Bar.
    # Fixed Bug : Register Form Captcha.
    # Fixed Bug : Menu Dropdown in safari.
    # Fixed Bug : Empty Social networks Notice.
# Version 2.0.2 December 30, 2017
    # New : Adding Emoji into Posts, Comments, Messages .
    # New : New Settings tab named "Emoji Settings" in the general settings page.
    # New : Germany Translation By Tom Gleitsmann ( Thank you so much Tom ^^ )
    # New : Added all website pages to redirect after user login options.
    # New : Added all website pages to redirect after admin login options.
    # New : Improving messages conversations page design.
    # New : Adding Login button to lost password form.
    # New : Remove unnecessary scripts.
    # New : Profile Navbar: set icons above title option ( for the people that want to earn more space ).
    # Fixed Bug : 'Social Login' login issue.
    # Fixed Bug : 'Custom Widgets' Notices.
    # Fixed Bug : the new "set default tab admin message".
    # Update : Change login url to youzer login page in the activate account form.
# Version 2.0.1 December 25, 2017
    # New : Set Default Profile Tab.
    # New : Delete Profile Tabs.
    # New : Control All Tabs Titles.
    # New : Control All Tabs Icons.
    # New : Control All Tabs Orders.
    # New : Control All Tabs Visibility.
    # New : Show/Hide Tabs Count.
    # New : "Profile Subtabs Settings" appears only if you have any third party buddypress plugins installed.
    # New : Adding 'My Profile' page to buddypress Tab in wordpress navigation menu builder.
    # Update : Change Profile Page title to 'Profile Settings'.
    # Update : Change Settings Page title to 'Account Settings'.
    # Fixed Bug : Instagram Zoom Issue.
    # Fixed Bug : Deleting All Custom widgets at once.
    # Fixed Bug : Remove Flickr ID issue.
    # Fixed Bug : Global Activities Slideshow.
    # Fixed Bug : Third Party Plugins Tabs Notice.