How to integrate Nextend or OneSocial Plugin to Youzify Form?
Please do these steps
1. Go to your FTP, and go to folder "wp-content/plugins"
2. Create a PHP file there and name it with "bp-custom.php". But if you already have it, you don't need to create a new one. Just open it
3. Put these snippets on the file and save
For Nextend Social Login Integration, please use this snippet >> https://gist.github.com/KaineLabs/6286d905e603a61f422efba26d6e061f#file-yz-integrate-nextend-plugin-php
For OneAll Social Login Integration, please use this snippet >> https://gist.github.com/KaineLabs/92ff0c66f064db26dd4894a47d78079b#file-yzc_oa_plugin-php
PS: Youzify login form has possibility to integrated with any Social Login plugin. As long as that plugin:
- Works with Buddypress
- Provide shortcode
Please submit a ticket, and our support team will help you to integrate it. :)