How to Add More Social Login?
By default, Youzify already has Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, TwitchTV, and Twitter for its own Social Login. But sometimes we received from clients to add more. It can be done by using additional snippets.
1. Go to your FTP, and go to folder "wp-content/plugins"
2. Create a PHP file there and name it with "bp-custom.php". But if you already have it, you don't need to create a new one. Just open it
3. Put these snippets on the file and save
WeChat >> https://gist.github.com/KaineLabs/5a874899131820d9712f92f1dfcda636#file-yzc_add_wechat_network-php
VKontakte >> https://gist.github.com/KaineLabs/948e23e067d4eaaac6c791ebb2330414#file-yzc_add_vk_network-php
How to get key for VKontakte Social Login >> https://nextendweb.com/nextend-social-login-docs/provider-vkontakte/
And then, please go to Youzify Panel >> Membership Settings >> Socil Login Settings. Scroll down to the most bottom of page, and you will see new Social Login settings there.
Note: If you have another Social Login to add on Youzify, please submit a new ticket and our support team will check the possibility to add it into Youzify.
Please also check this artiicle >> https://kainelabs.ticksy.com/article/17310/