Explaining Reports & Restrictions Tables Actions & Bulk Actions !!
In this topic we will explain the actions found on each row of the reports and restrictions tables and how to process bulk actions or reports and restrictions :
1. Reports Table :

- View : This button will take you to the page of the item.
- Close : this button appears for the items that are not hidden from their reporter only and it will close the report and the reported item will be back to be visible to their reporter.
- Restore : This button appears for the items that are hidden from the whole site because they reached the threshold ( Certain number of reports ) and once you click it the hidden item will be visible again and if there's any restrictions on the user they will be removed.
- Delete Item : Delete the reported item permanently from the site.
- Delete Item & Punish : Delete the reported item permanently from the site and apply the related component restrictions.
- Mark As Spammer : This button will prevent the user from logging again to his account and it will hide his profile and all his posts, comments from the site.
- Not Spammer : This button will disable the account spammer status and the account will be back to work normally as it was before.
- Block Reports : Prevent User from reporting items anymore.
Also you can process a bulk actions on multiple items at once by checking the checkbox of each item and selecting the action and then click "Apply" button :

2. Restrictions Table :

- End Restrictions : this button will end the active restrictions right away.
Also you can add multiple restrictions at once ( see the screenshot below ) :