How to set Login Popup Menu
Enable Popup Login Settings
1. Go to your Wordpress dashboard.
2. Go to Youzify panel > membership settings > login settings.
3. Activate/Deactivate 'enable login popup' checkbox.
4. Click "save changes" button.
Make Login Popup Link into Main Menu
1. Get your login page ID. Go to wordpress dashboard, Pages > all pages. Find your login page and move your pointer on it. hover mouse on the "edit link". Just hover (dont click). then in bellow you will see login page ID. (see image attached bellow . remember it.
NOTE : if you didn't create yet, you can create login page first then do step above.
2. Open this link bellow :
Put code to bp-custom.php in /wp-content/plugins/
NOTE : if you didn't have it yet, you can create by yourself. Just login your file manager via hosting control panel or from FTP cliend. Go to /wp-content/plugins. Create new file, named it bp-custom.php
next, change 1212 in line $login_page_id = 1212; with your login page ID that you get in step 1.
3. After that, go to your wordpress dashboard, go to appearance > menu.
Create your menu and insert your login page.
See how to add to menu in image attached bellow.