How to Check CURL and getsizeimage enabled on Web Server or not
For CURL, please do this steps:
1. Go to yur FTP/Cpanel and create a file on public_html folder, and name it with test.php
2. Copy code below and past it into the file and save

3. Then open to your browser and go to yourwebsite.com/test.php
4. If CURL on your server enabled, so on browser will show "CURL is available on your web server"
5. But if it show "CURL is not available on your web server", you need to contact your hosting server provider and ask them to enable it
For getsizeimage, please do this steps:
1. Go to yur FTP/Cpanel and create a file on public_html folder, and name it with test.php
2. Still on public_html folder pleae upload an image (format JPG or PNG) and name it with test.jpg or test.png
3. Copy code below and past it into the file and save

4. make sure you put the right URL for image uploaded on yourwebsite.com/test.jpg
5. Then open to your browser and go to yourwebsite.com/test.php
6. If getsizeimage on your server enabled, so on browser will show:
Width of image : (number of image size, for example 400)
Height of image : (number of image size, for example 400)
Image type : (number of image type, for example 2)
Image attribute :width="400" height="400
7. But if it show "
Width of image : (no number / blank)
Height of image : (no number / blank)
Image type : (no number / blank)
Image attribute :width=" " height=" "
you need to contact your hosting server provider and ask them to enable it