Youzify (formerly Youzer)

Create Account Settings Button Shortcode

To have account settings button short code, please use this snippet:

 * Youzify - Account Setting Icons Menu SHortcode [yzc_account_settings_icons_menu]
add_shortcode( 'yzc_account_settings_icons_menu', 'yzc_account_settings_icons_menu');
function yzc_account_settings_icons_menu() {
    <link rel="stylesheet" id="custom-css" href="<?php echo YOUZIFY_ASSETS . 'css/youzify-account.min.css'; ?>" type="text/css">
    // Get Data.
    $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id() ? bp_displayed_user_id() : bp_loggedin_user_id();
    $icon_url = youzify_get_profile_settings_url( 'change-avatar' );
    $profile_url = bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id ) . bp_get_profile_slug() . '/';
    $header_buttons = apply_filters( 'youzify_account_menu_header_buttons', array(
        'home' => array(
            'icon' => 'fas fa-home',
            'title' => __( 'Home', 'youzify' ),
            'url' => home_url()
        'profile' => array(
            'icon' => 'fas fa-user',
            'title' => __( 'View Profile', 'youzify' ),
            'url' => bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id )
        'networks' => array(
            'icon' => 'fas fa-share-alt',
            'title' => __( 'Social Networks', 'youzify' ),
            'url' => $profile_url . 'social-networks'
        'avatar' => array(
            'icon' => 'fas fa-user-circle',
            'title' => __( 'Profile Avatar', 'youzify' ),
            'url' => $profile_url . 'change-avatar'
        'cover' => array(
            'icon' => 'fas fa-camera-retro',
            'title' => __( 'Profile Cover', 'youzify' ),
            'url' => $profile_url . 'change-cover-image'
        'logout' => array(
            'url' => wp_logout_url(),
            'icon' => 'fas fa-power-off',
            'title' => __( 'Logout', 'youzify' )
    ) );
    if ( ! buddypress()->avatar->show_avatars ) {
        if ( isset(  $header_buttons['avatar'] ) ) {
            unset( $header_buttons['avatar'] );
    if ( ! bp_displayed_user_use_cover_image_header() ) {
        if ( isset(  $header_buttons['cover'] ) ) {
            unset( $header_buttons['cover'] );
    // if there's no networks don't show the networks form..
    $networks = youzify_option( 'youzify_social_networks' );
    if ( empty( $networks ) ) {
        unset( $header_buttons['networks'] );
    $count = count( $header_buttons );
    <div class="youzify-account-header">
        <div class="youzify-head-buttons">
            <div class="youzify-head-buttons-inner">
            <?php foreach ( $header_buttons as $key => $button ) :?>
                <div class="youzify-button-item youzify-<?php echo $key; ?>-button" style="width: <?php echo 100 / $count; ?>%;"><a href="<?php echo $button['url'] ?>" data-youzify-tooltip="<?php echo $button['title']; ?>" ><i class="<?php echo $button['icon'] ?>"></i></a></div>
            <?php endforeach;?>
    return ob_get_clean();

To find where you have to put that snippet, kindly check this article

How to Add Custom PHP Snippet?

And then, please use this short code
