Youzify (formerly Youzer)

How to fix the "Thrive" Theme ?

1. Go to "wp-content/plugins".

2. Open the file "bp-custom.php" ( if you didn't find it just create a new one ).

3. Paste the code in the page below :

4.Go to "wp-content/themes/thrive-nouveau/functions.php"and remove the line 89  below :

define( 'BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT', 'activity' );


Infinite Loader Does not work

Please add this snippet on the "bp-custom.php" file

function yzc_add_thrive_load_more_fix() {
  return 'buddypress';
add_filter( 'youzify_profile_template_id', 'yzc_add_thrive_load_more_fix' );
add_filter( 'youzify_group_template_id', 'yzc_add_thrive_load_more_fix' );
add_filter( 'youzify_activity_template_id', 'yzc_add_thrive_load_more_fix' );