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How to Fix "Newspaper" Theme

Some built-in Buddypress from Newspaper is conflicted  with built-in Buddypress from Youzify.
Youzify Developer has contacted theme developer and here is their answer >> Answer from Newspaper Author

But you can fix the CSS conflicts. Here's how to do it:

1. Go to the folder "/wp-content/themes/Newspaper".

2. Open the style.css

3. Remove all the code after this code mark

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------     BuddyPress plugin */

And STOP at this code mark

/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Footer General

4. Once you edit the file save changes and re-upload it to same folder "/wp-content/themes/Newspaper"



A customer write an article about Debugging Youzify & Newspaper Theme for WP Header Conflict. You can check the article here >>

Thanks to Mr. Angel Ramos (Cubic IT)